Break These 5 Financial Habits To Become Debt Free

June 6th, 2010  / Author: admin

Author: Debt Free

None of us are perfect when it comes down to bad habits, but some are worse than others; not understanding your debt or finances is one of them. Kicking these bad habits into touch means that you can look towards becoming debt free:

1: Too many credit cards – Did you know that there are more credit cards than people in the UK? According to APACs, at the end of 2007 there were 73m credit and charge cards compared with around 60 million people.

Having too many credit cards means that you have the potential to get into too much debt. Although introductory offers many tempt you in, it is important that you take control of your credit card debt. Start by paying off the highest APR cards means that you can look forward to becoming debt free in a much quicker time.

2: Spending more than you earn – Spending more than you earn by living beyond your means is a financial habit which you need to nip in the bud right now. This is the quickest way to get into debt, especially if you regularly have to relay on your credit card the week before pay day.

3: Missing credit card payments – Always make sure that you meet your credit card, store card or catalogue payments as they fall due. Missing these payments not only means that you will have to pay late fees but any missed payments will also show on your credit file, which could make it more difficult to get accepted for credit in the future.

4: Losing touch of your finances – Being unaware of how much cash you have in the bank to how much debt you have outstanding means that you have lost touch with your finances, which will make it harder to become debt free. Checking your credit report is a good way to see your own credit history.

5: Not seeking debt help when you need it – Sadly debt problems will not sort themselves out, and if you are missing credit card, store card or even mortgage payments then you need to seek help as soon as possible.

Debt Free may be able to offer you one of our debt solutions which could help you to control your debts by reducing the amount that you need to pay to your unsecured creditors. Getting help about your debts mean that, if you qualify, you could look forward to becoming debt free in 60 months with an IVA.

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About the Author

Does the idea of becoming debt free seem like an impossible dream? Well it could your reality in as little as 60 months with a Debt Free IVA, see if you are eligable by taking thedebt free test.

There is money in going green

May 6th, 2010  / Author: admin

Author: Kerry Mitchell

There is money in going green. Investing in a future that is more environmentally centered should be your goal. There are multitudes of eco business development opportunities that need financing. Steering away from companies and destructive industries that demonstrate disregard for our planet is a good beginning. Locating pension funds, financial investment firms and consultants who help clients identify a plan to be more environmentally. If you are in the fields of managing client investments or portfolio management this is crucial for you to begin to do your homework- Now is the time to look into the many funds and investment trusts with focus on environmental issues and growth in the energy sectors. Here are just some of the products and services coming for a “greener” existence. Some don’t even exist yet- talk about opportunity!

Eco- Marketing Materials are needed business endeavors. Recycled paper, eco friendly inks such as soy based, and proper printing processes should be considered. Leading an effort in this area if you already have expertise can give you a reason to re-establish clientele.

Cleaning Products- Opportunity abounds as most are realizing the products we use emit fumes that are harmful to indoor air quality and our health. Your markets are unlimited as you pursue on site cleaning, representation or distribution channels.

Eco- Friendly Clothing- Since clothing can be made from HEMP, organically grown cotton, reclaimed fabrics and other healthy alternatives, where processing is not emitting fumes and soft to the skin, these products and concepts needs marketing and distribution channels to bring costs down. If you have retail experience, this is a win-win for you to move right in to this arena. Bedding, pillow and furniture eco-friendly fabrics are just waiting for representation to the public.

Eco-Event Planning- Since most consumers attend weddings, catered events, trade shows, professional network educational events what an excellent venue to get involved with promoting healthy alternatives, recycling and marketing to these businesses. The services they will need, the information is still in need of expertise. Wait staff uniforms, condiments, trays, bio-degradable supplies, waste management all will need to come into play in this arena. If you have experience in any of these areas, get to work to investigate what how your experience and personality type can bring to the entertainment industry.

Eco Wines/Alcoholic and Non Alcoholic Beverages- Most notably for being organically grown, oats and grapes used set the president but some are looking at adding more distribution channels for quicker delivery-

Organic and eco friendly foods- while we have been seeing more health food stores and products where we shop, are the displays good enough? Are there manufactures in need of better marketing and display expertise?

Solar- There is so much here in terms of business development. The manufacturers are looking for distribution channels and sales forces. If you are stuck in an industry trying to promote products that run on fossil fuels, well, wake up and smell the roses of an industry in need of your sales sills. If you are selling any product or system that is not green or going green, move to the new “green revolution.” The solar industry is developing marketing concepts in leasing vs. owning of solar installations both residential and commercial. Contact them with your resume and offer your years of being on the road over coming objections and wiring up business.

Eco-Event Planning- Since most consumers attend weddings, catered events, trade shows, professional network educational events what an excellent venue to get involved with promoting healthy alternatives, recycling and marketing to these businesses. The services they will need, the information is still in need of expertise. Wait staff uniforms, condiments, trays, bio-degradable supplies, waste management all will need to come into play in this arena. If you have experience in any of these areas, get to work to investigate what how your experience and personality type can bring to the entertainment industry.

Eco Wines/Alcoholic and Non Alcoholic Beverages- Most notably for being organically grown, oats and grapes used set the president but some are looking at adding more distribution channels for quicker delivery-

There are many grants, and tax credits for green business. For those interested in green building or renovating the built structure whether residential or commercial. At the dinner table, we use to talk about real estate, now we discuss the poor economy and survival. There are over 80 new professions being researched and defined by Work Force One in the new green economy. It makes sense that if we create new avenues for environmental issues and then address education for the housing sector in this arena, this could offer new reasons for a buyer to buy again. If we begin to scale energy efficient upgrades for current housing stock that is sitting, we create jobs for construction trades. If we begin to put factories on land that isn’t selling to process renewable energy, we create jobs and cut our dependence on fossil fuels. If we share the possibilities for green financing that is available ( and no one knows about ) to assist homeowners in rate reductions and lowering monthly utility bills and have healthier indoor air quality in their own homes, everyone wins.

Go green and profit.

Article Source:

About the Author

Green Real Estate Education was established in early 2006. Kerry Mitchell, founder of Green Real Estate Education, has over 14 years in real estate, in the past as a Maryland Real Estate Professional Broker, and a Licensed Real Estate Broker in the state of Florida. Green Real Estate Education offers the fastest growing “green certification” programs in the United States for those professions in the real estate industry, including real estate and mortgage professionals. For more information visit: <>

Copywriting Tips To Improve Your Online Business

March 6th, 2010  / Author: admin

Author: Scott Ewart

Once an entrepreneur has taken the bull by the horns and started his or her own home based business, the time has begun to tackle all of the little tasks that go along with it. One of these– and one that some people seem to fear more than many others –is copywriting. Tips for creating effective copy for your company’s Internet presence can only help you to manage a better and more effective interface with clients and other businesses.

After all, let’s face it, in the modern business world it is most often the copy on your website that is read first.

Create Copy That Interacts With People

The first task in writing good copy for your website is to make the content seem interesting and lively. So much of what people read on the Internet can be dry as melba toast, and it can actually help your cause to make your information just a little bit blustery, just to keep things lively.

Using hyperbole to make a point is not a bad decision– in fact, it can add to the readability of your text. In addition, you will want the reader to feel that he or she is being spoken with, directly. The best way to manage this is to use the word “YOU” as opposed to referring to things in the third person (they, he, she, etc.). Once the potential client feels directly addressed in your content, he or she may be less likely to click away from the information before completing it.

Start (And Deliver) With A Bang

Any copy that needs to reach the clientele will need to have a hook, so it is a good idea to never underestimate the power of a good headline. Yes, it is the shortest part of your copy… but it is also the segment that will determine whether most potential clients ever even decide to look at the rest of the content.

Find the most important part of what you are trying to tell the customer, and LEAD them into it with the headline. From that point, once you have their attention, you can use your interactive writing to keep them occupied. Most experts agree that copy on your website should generally be written at about an 8th grade reading level, so as to make the content accessible to a wide variety of potential customers.

Don’t Stop Writing!

Some people feel very uncomfortable with writing their own copy, while others have a definite knack for it. Even if it doesn’t seem to come as easily, one of the best things that you can do for the sake of your company’s website is to keep writing copy for it.

You may not even use all of it, and you may only use your own copy for certain elements of the business, but it will help to give you ownership of your company… and it will definitely lead you to become a better copywriter at the same time. Most importantly, it places the stamp of your written personality there for the client to interact with.

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About the Author

Are you ready to learn how to grow your own business and receive some outstanding copywriting tips? Take a moment and visit my website at to see how I can help you create the copy that will take your business to the next level.

Free Dale Carnegie Book Download

January 23rd, 2010  / Author: admin

This is slightly off-topic as we usually promote online marketing activities, but we’ve made available a free download of Dale Carnegie’s famous “The Art of Public Speaking” book.

This is a 320 page book (in PDF format) that you can download by clicking here.

Who is Dale Carnegie?

It’s actually Who was Dale Carnegie.  Dale has been dead for half century but his books are still amongst the best sellers today.  “How to win friends and influence people” has sold over 7 million copies.

Carnegie was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills.

Carnegie was an early proponent of what is now called responsibility assumption, although this only appears minutely in his written work.  One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people’s behavior by changing one’s reaction to them. His work is still highly relevant.

The “Art of Public Speaking” is a tremendous book, and it’s free for you to download here.

Click to download.

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Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie

List Building is Essential for Internet Marketing

January 23rd, 2010  / Author: admin

Productive list building is a vital factor to Internet based marketing campaigns today.

4 List Building Recommended Methods

1) The Squeeze Page

Squeeze pages are generally a one page mini website that gives a bonus or giveaway to the visitor. In return for your freebie, they are opting to join your list.

2) Concentrate on niches, quality rather than quantity

It is much better to have a responsive list interested in what you have to offer as opposed to a much larger list where the subscribers are not interested in your product or service.  The goal is to create a high quality list.

3) Build a trusted relationship

Don’t SPAM your list.  Don’t send them 3 or 4 emails a day (Trust me, some people do).  Email them useful information.  Adopt a give and take relationship both ways.

4) Viral Marketing

Last but by no means least, grow your list using viral marketing techniques. This system will assist you to build huge and targeted list just like a virus. Viral Marketing is focused on getting members of your list to pass on your details to friends and associates.


Click here for Magnetic List Building from Carrie Wilkinson (The Barefoot Executive)

Making Money from Dropshipping

December 20th, 2009  / Author: admin

The Dropship Beginners Guide

Author: Rose Li

Anybody running a business online would have no doubt heard about dropshipping, the supply chain management method that is sweeping the internet.

The dropshipping community a rapidly growing one; there are thousands of dropshippers and millions of online retailers and traders using their services with several dropship forums and dozens of drop shipping blogs providing people with information.

Put quite simply dropshipping is a supply chain management system where the manufacturer ships the products directly to the retailer’s customer but the retailer makes the profit.

This means the retailer doesn’t have to pay for, or store, items he won’t sell freeing up space and money. It also reduces the number of hands the item passes through as the product goes directly from the wholesaler to the customer.

However, there is still a large number of retailers and traders on the internet who still have a lot of questions about dropshipping. Some of these questions include:

How does the dropshipper guarantee my customers won’t just start buying directly from them?

I’ve seen lists of dropshippers for sale on eBay, are they any good?

Won’t I still have to transfer customer details to the wholesaler, won’t that remove some of the timesaving benefits of drop shipping?

How does the wholesale drop ship company guarantee my customers won’t just start buying directly from them?

There are a variety of dropship company service providers out there on the internet, from dropship agents to wholesale dropship providers and dropship wholesalers, but most use one of two ways to maintain their customer’s client base blind shipping or private label shipping..

Blind shipping: When drop shipping companies send out products without any of their own advertising or logos on them.

Private Label dropshipping: When the client of the dropshipping company provides shipping notices to go in with the package, allowing the client to customize and ad value to orders.

An industry standard is a long way from being developed though and a number of firms offering a dropshipping service could be heavily in debt, be operating fraudulently or not offer you the best service.

I’ve seen lists of dropshippers for sale on eBay, are they any good?

You don’t need to have spent much time on eBay to have seen the list of dropshipping companies and dropshipper wholesale suppliers for sale on the site, often for a very low price.

Unfortunately, these lists are often filled with these dead or fraudulent sites, meaning they aren’t even worth the little money you initially paid for it..

You will often enjoy more success by approaching a wholesalers or factory agents directly or using a wholesale dropship company. They usually keep up to date more regularly and are more reliable at sending out products.

But wont I still have to give the wholesaler each of the orders?

By making some adjustments to your payment system you should be able to get customer’s details sent to your drop shipping company automatically.

The first thing you will need to do is to set up your shopping cart so that it will notify the drop ship website automatically when a customer has placed an order and pass on all the customer’s details in a format suitable for the drop shipper to fill out the forms necessary to start the shipment.

Most e-commerce sites already have a shopping cart but they will need to check that their carts are compatible with their wholesale dropshipping company’s invoice system and then find out what needs to be done to make the whole process automatic.

It is easy to see why dropshipppinng has quickly gained popularity as a supply chain management system… after a little more research you will probably find yourself using a dropship wholesale company yourself.

About the Author:

Rose Li is the PR Manager for Chinavasion, China’s premier dropshipper for wholesale consumer electronics

Article Source: ArticlesBase.comThe Dropship Beginners Guide

Related Links:

UK Dropshipping Bible…

UK Dropshipping Bible

UK Dropshipping Bible

Click here to visit